Introducing Doy Pack

The Doy Pack is an alternative packaging to PET package or to small barrels. The olives are packed in brine and vinegar, as well as in the other packages, but the fact that is vacuum, there are certain advantages that this feature offers:
Less brine: the amount of brine is reduced to half compared with the amount of brine in the package such as PET. This is possible by reducing the volume of the container (by extracting the oxygen) so the amount of brine to cover the olives inside the packaging will be considerably smaller. This triggers a number of side benefits:
– Less salt: this is possible due to the lack of oxygen in the product package that can damage the product therefore the salt, which is used as a preservative can be significantly reduced.
– Less transportation costs: the low volume allows decreasing the excess brine and the increase of the drained weight of the product in a container, reducing thus the transport price per kilogram.
– Low storage costs (basically, it will optimize storage by removing excess brine)
– Low costs of recycling, knowing the high cost of PET packaging compared to the plastic bag.

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